When this client asked me if her mother, three siblings, and their spouses could partake in the online interview to speak about their father, I have to admit I was a bit nervous. All of that melted away as soon as everyone was in the call and we began. The stories I was privileged to hear were so plentiful I could have written a 30 minute song, and in truth, that is often how it feels when I listen back to all of the interviews. There are so many moments that make up a lifetime, I always place my attention on what the family keeps coming back to, the parts of that person life that were central to who they were. For this person, it was his tie to two places: County Tipperary, Ireland where he was from, and Douro, Ontario, where he moved with his partner and built a life. It was said that “He brought Ireland to Douro, and Douro to Ireland”, and in the many trips he took back home with his family, it was made clear to me that his kids too felt like they were returning home. Here is “From Douro to Tipperary.”